Teach the Facts About Vaping.
Many people think vaping is a harmless water vapor.
Most vapes contain Nicotine which is highly addictive
and can be toxic.
Healthy Habits and Wellness Strategies
Use this fun “Pokémon” themed poster and cards in your classroom
to teach students how to practice healthy habits. A perfect addition
for elementary schools, teachers, and for school nurses.
Germs Are Everywhere!
Encourage others to keep their hands clean
by washing their hands correctly.
Positive Decisions Toward Digital Citizenship.
Teach students about social media responsibilities and
effective online communication. Increasing the positive
effects of social media on self-esteem takes education.
Mental Health and Wellness Strategies
Use this fun “Pokémon” themed poster and cards in your classroom
to teach students how to practice mindfulness. A perfect addition
for elementary schools, teachers, and for school nurses.